Thursday, 20 December 2012

Ticketmaster Drop Checker Software - Ticketmaster Spinner Bot

If you are a ticket broker than you will surely be looking forward towards generating multiple events via your Ticketmaster bot, and this is because it will accelerate the entire ticket purchasing procedure, as you will be able to search and buy multiple tickets of different events in a single interval of time. However before you can start using multiple events / accounts feature of Ticketmaster Spinner, it is really very important that you should use private proxies before you generate multiple events.
Why there is a need of using Private Proxies?
If you are generating multiple events for your ticket searching and buying than it is really very important for you to use private proxies, and this is because and all the ticket selling websites have very strict policies against using multiple accounts and multiple events generation, therefore in order to overcome this issue it is really very important that you should use private proxies in order to avoid such situation.
Private Proxies not just enables you to generate multiple events, but it will also protect your privacy, hence allowing you to save yourself from a number of internet hackers and scammers.
Why and other ticket selling websites restrict the usage of multiple event generation?
Ticketmaster and other ticket selling websites restricts the usage of multiple accounts generation to keep the balance of their ticket selling, besides that they also do that to avoid ticket brokers to purchase tickets in bulk, but the best thing about Ticketmaster bot is that it allows you to generate multiple events by using private proxies, hence allowing you to buy tickets in bulk. The usage of Ticketmaster Broker Software are 100% legal, so you don’t have to worry about anything when you go with Ticketmaster Bot.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Ticketmaster Error – This time it hits Robbie Williams and his fans big time!

We all have witnessed different Ticketmaster errors from time to time, but this time it was surely huge, as it has not only troubled the fans to a large extent but it has broken their hearts and have also disappointed them to the masses. Other than that, this Ticketmaster error has also troubled the ever green Heart Throb Robbie Williams.
 What actually happened?
Robbie Williams is going to have a charitable show in Glasgow and Dublin and the fans were allowed to participate in the ballot, and at the end of the ballots winning fans were announced that who have won the tickets of his show, and it was all under the management of sent wrong email to the wrong destination, as the people who have actually applied for the Dublin tickets were told that they were successful in getting the tickets for Glasgow and similar things happen vice-versa, besides that a whole lot of people who didn’t won anything were also told that they have won tickets for the Robbie Williams show and when Ticketmaster got aware of the Situation it immediately halted the entire process and suspended it.
Why the problem had occurred?
Ticketmaster reported that it was a database error, however they are still not aware that how did such thing happen, as the entire process is completely automated.
Now What Ticketmaster is going to do next in regard to this “All – New” Ticketmaster error?
Besides that Ticketmaster also said they would communicate with everyone who was affected by the mistake and would be explained about the entire problem, but Ticketmaster is not sure yet that how many tickets were sent out mistakenly, and checking the entire system is also a time taking procedure, but they are planning to do that for sure. Other than that, Ticketmaster has apologized Robbie Williams as well as his fans who suffered quite much due to this huge Ticketmaster error. However people can buy tickets of other events in the same way they are doing, as this Ticketmaster error has not affected the entire website. So people who are willing to use their Ticketmaster Spinner in order to buy tickets off other events can do that freely and without any kind of trouble. These Ticketmaster Bot Software could be a good tool to keep safe from these errors.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

NBA and Ticketmaster to come up with their very own ticketing site

The news of NBA and Ticketmaster collaborated website is running wild these days and has it the top spot in the news line, and this is mainly because of the fact that this thing will surely hit the secondary ticket market like Stub hub badly, as it would drive the entire traffic of NBA fans from StubHub to the Ticketmaster Bot site, hence allowing Stub hub and other secondary ticket sellers to suffer when it comes to NBA events.
Why NBA has thought to take such type of initiative?
NBA has observed the current scenario in depth and has come to know that NBA fans as well as teams have been suffering a lot due to that, and this is because that majority of tickets are bought by ticket brokers with the help of different types of Ticketmaster bot software, and in the end these NBA fans had to buy these tickets from the Ticket brokers at almost 4 to 5 times more than the original price, which was surely a huge mess and in order to facilitate the teams as well as NBA fans, NBA decide to take such type of initiative and teamed up with Ticketmaster in order to make it a success.

NBA and Ticketmaster – Survey conducted by NBA:
As per the recent survey conducted by NBA, they found that more than 75% of the people who buy tickets of different events go to the main team sight first in order to buy their desired tickets, and normally they don’t find what they are looking for, and end up by buying tickets from secondary ticket selling websites like stub hub, and the worst thing is that stub hub charges a percentage from both the buyers and the sellers, however one of the best alternative for this can be going with Ticketmaster bot or Stub hub bot in order to buy tickets at the right price, but most of them end up buying tickets from ticket brokers or from these secondary ticket selling websites, therefore in order to overcome all such issues  NBA and Ticketmaster have joined forces to  overcome all such issues in the best possible manner.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Ticketmaster Bots

There was a time when people use to purchase tickets from the ticket’s representatives, which was one of the most times consuming and hectic exercise for both the ends, buyer and seller end. Buyers used to get bugged by the excuses and ticket sellers used to get irritated by refusing and excusing their customers. However, now, the time has changed and such buying and selling have become easier, and for this, we should be thankful to the internet world and developers of course, as they developed software that helps buyers and sellers. Ticketmaster Bot Software are the inventions which brings such buying and selling exercises easy and efficient.

You all are probably aware of the new Ticketmaster drop checker spinner, which is a new ticketing bot software applications, which are developed with the perspective to serve ticket buyers and sellers. Ticketmaster drop checker spinner is specially designed for  fetching such tickets, which are dropped out after the purchased and are available for re-buying.

Usually what happens, someone purchased the tickets and after a while because of some circumstances they give it back and get back their money. Such as tickets could be VIP premium tickets or could be ordinary tickets, and such tickets are dragged to the drop boxes; here when you required Ticketmaster Bots.

Ticketmaster drop checker spinner searches all the ticketing websites and brings you the available dropped tickets which you can purchase.

You can buy bulk tickets with the help of ticketmaster spinner; this software is very easy and friendly in use, user is not required to read the how to terms before using ticketmaster drop checker spinner, once you start using it, you will get to know each and everything about the software functionalities in terms of the ticket drops.
There are some parameters, which can be customized by the user. In ticket drop checker you can set your required number of tickets in the parameters, and you can set the time interval of the ticket's search, and you can set the price range as well, and as per the defined user setting, ticketmaster drop checker spinner will work. You have the Captcha resolving functions within the ticketmaster drop checker spinner with that function user is allowed to bypass the Captcha screens.

Ticket Bots is the best choice for the ticket brokers or ticket sellers business, and perhaps, It is also very useful for those who is very fund of attending events, sports, theater or, etc... Get your Ticketmaster drop checker spinner today!